NeedForTrade Documentation

Initial Exception Handling Setup

There are two types of exceptions that you do no want to see in the debugger:


To hide these exceptions from Microsoft CLR Debugger:

  1. Make Microsoft CLR Debugger window active.
  2. Select Debug->Exceptions... from debugger's main menu or press Ctrl-Alt-E.
  3. Exceptions window will appear on the screen:

  4. Click on the Add... button.
  5. New Exception window will appear on the screen:

  6. Copy-paste or write down the following sting to the Name text box: dMarketAbstractionLibrary.Data.MissingDataException
  7. After that New Exception window must look like this:

  8. Press OK button.
  9. Exceptions window must look like that now:

  10. Click on the User-unhandled check box beside newly created dMarketAbstractionLibrary.Data.MissingDataException line (all check boxes beside it must be clear). 
  11. Exceptions window must look like that now:

  12. Click on the Add... button.
  13. New Exception window will appear on the screen:

  14. Copy-paste or write down or the following sting to the Name text box: dMarketAbstractionLibrary.Data.NotEnoughDataException
  15. After that New Exception window must look like this:

  16. Press OK button.
  17. Exceptions window must look like that now:

  18. Click on the User-unhandled check box beside newly created dMarketAbstractionLibrary.Data.NotEnoughDataException line (all check boxes beside it must be clear). 
  19. Exceptions window must look like that now:


  20. Press OK button to finish.


See also Exceptions.