NeedForTrade Documentation |
Chart Properties
To access Chart Properties
Make the Chart Window
window the active window.
Click the right mouse button anywhere in the chart window background and select
the Chart Properties from the context menu or double-click anywhere in
the chart window background and Chart Properties will appear.
You can see
Chart Properties window below. See also
details about working with
Properties Windows.
Category Default Trade Size lets you specify default trade size
that will be used for trade orders, when no trade size specified:
If In Shares/Contracts is set to Yes then
Default Trade Size is specified via Shares/Contracts
holds . Valid range is .
If In Shares/Contracts is set to No then Default
Trade Size is specified using the following properties:
- Minimum Shares/Contracts
- Price Per Trade
- Round to Shares/Contracts
Category Pyramiding includes cell Pyramiding Type.
See Pyramiding.
Category Strategies includes the following cells:
Commision - holds commission.
Commision Type - specifies commission type (PerTrade
or PerShareOrContract).
Interest Rate (%) - specifies interest rate.
Max Opened Position - specifies maximum number of shares/contracts that open
position can contain.
One Order Per Bar - if set to Yes then only one order
per bar is allowed. Additional orders will be ignored.
Slippage - specifies slippage. Slippage is the difference between symbol
price at the moment when you place order and the real trade price.
Slippage Type - specifies slippage type (PerTrade
or PerShareOrContract).
Starting Capital -
holds starting capital
Temporary Drawdown (%) - lets you to adjust temporary
drawdown of your capital that often takes place just after every new trade. Lets
make backtesting more correct.
Also this properties window includes Description Box. This
box reflects which field of Chart Properties is active at the
See also Creating Chart Window,
Formatting Chart Window, Chart Style,
Price Chart Properties.