NeedForTrade Documentation |
Price Chart Properties
To access Price Chart Properties
Make the Chart Window
the active window.
Click the right mouse button anywhere on the price chart and select the Graph
Component Properties from the context menu or double-click anywhere on
the price chart and Price Chart Properties will appear.
You can see
Price Chart Properties window below.
See also details about working with
Category Bar Graph includes the following cells:
Bar Type specifies Chart Types. Valid
variants are OHLCBar, HLCBar, Candelstick, DotOnClose
and LineOnClose.
Border - use this cell if you want to draw a chart
border. Valid variants are Yes and No.
Line Color specifies price chart color. You
can choose it from the standart Palette
Window. Valid range is any color.
Line Width
specifies price chart component width. Valid range is from 1 to
Negative Bar Color specifies Negative
Bar color. You can choose it from the standart
Palette Window. Valid range is any color.
Positive Bar Color specifies Positive
Bar color. You can choose it from the standart
Palette Window. Valid range is any color.
Category Chart includes the following cells:
Transparency Percent
specifies transparency of price chart. Valid range is from 0 to 100. "0"
is untransporent and "100" is fully transparent.
Use Antialiasing specifies if to use
Antialiasing. Valid variants are True and False.
Also this properties window includes Description Box. This
box reflects which cell of Chart Style is active at the
See also Creating Chart Window,
Formatting Chart Window, Chart
Properties, Chart Style.